Plonvit nitro 31-12-10

Crystalline water soluble fertilizer NPK rich in nitrogen: 31/12/10 + high quality trace elements. It has a high concentration of “pure” nutrients fully complexed as well as stimulants, suitable for both foliar application and hydro-lubrication. Thanks to INT (Innovative Nutrient Transfer) technology, nutrients enter the tissues quickly and also move quickly through the plant. The special composition of the fertilizer ensures the good intake and utilization by the plants of all the nutrients but also the stimulation of their metabolism and therefore the good growth of the plants especially in the stages of intense vegetative growth as well as in stressful conditions for the plants. Among the trace elements it also contains Titanium (Ti)

Brand: IntermagCountry of origin: Poland
Ingredient content

All ingredients are water soluble.

% m/m g/kg
Total nitrogen (Ν) 31,0 310
Including uric (NH2) nitrogen (N) 31,0 310
Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) 12,0 120
Soluble in neutral ammonium citrate and water 12,0 120
water soluble 12,0 120
Potassium oxide (K2O) 10,0 100
Boron (B) 0,030 0,30
Copper (Cu) forms a chelate complex with EDTA 0,030 0,30
Iron (Fe) forms a chelate complex with EDTA 0,150 1,50
Manganese (Mn) forms a chelate complex with EDTA 0,070 0,70
Molybdenum (Mo) 0,002 0,02
Zinc (Zn) forms a chelate complex with EDTA 0,070 0,70
All the ingedients are water soluble


It is especially recommended in periods of intense growth and growth of plants. It effectively nourishes plants, enhances photosynthesis, helps the growth and development of plants, and therefore has a positive effect on quality and yield.

instructions for use

The proposed recommendations are of a general nature. They can be modified taking into account the specific needs of the plants and the growing conditions.

TRANSFULLY 2–5 sprays are recommended, every 7–14 days. PLONVIT NITRO is used during periods of rapid growth and critical stages of plant growth, as well as during periods of limited intake of nutrients by the root system. In case of nutrient deficiency, operations are performed every 2-4 days.
EXTENSIVE CROPS recommended concentration 0.4-1.5% (0.4-1.5 kg of fertilizer per 100 liters of solution). Amount of spray liquid 20–50 liters / acre. Dose for a fertilizer application 0.2–0.5 kg / acre.
CULTIVATION OF VEGETABLES recommended concentration 0.2-1.0% (0.2-1 kg of fertilizer per 100 liters of solution). Amount of spray liquid 40–100 liters / acre. Dose for a fertilizer application 0.2–0.5 kg / acre
SEEDS Recommended concentration: watering 0.05–0.1% (0.05–0.1 kg of fertilizer per 100 liters of solution), spraying 0.25–0.3% (0.25–0.3 kg of fertilizer per 100 liters solution).

