
Natural plant growth aid – soil conditioner thanks to the live bacterial cells it contains. Improves soil microflora and fertility, the effectiveness of plant nutrition, stimulates their growth and helps them cope with stress. Harmless to animals and humans, it is applied even at harvest, it also helps in the decomposition of plant residues.


Soil improver plant growth aid with alive bacterial cells.

Bacillus spp. (12 isolates of 6 species of the genus) 1.5 X 10cfu / ml

  1. Vegetables, floriculture: From sowing or transplanting to harvesting.
    Through irrigation (water lubrication) 150-300ml / acre. every 10-14 days (annually 400-600ml / acre).
    Foliage 0.5-1 liters / 100 liters. water several times: a total of 400-600ml / acre per year.
    Fruit trees, vineyard: From the alienation of the vegetation to the harvest.
    Through irrigation 150-400ml / acre. 2-4 times: a total of 600-800ml / acre per year).
    Foliage 1-2 liters / 1 ton of water 2-4 times: a total of 400-600ml / acre per year.
    Extensive crops (sunflower, corn, cereals, soybeans, sugar beets):
    By spraying the soil before sowing (at the earliest 120 days before) 1-1.5 liters / 200 liters.water / 10 acresBy spraying on the seed (excluding sugar beets) 100ml / seeds for 10 acres.
    By spraying linearly young plants and soil 100-150ml / acre 2 times, but in cereals,

    corn and sugar beets only 1 time.
    4. In small areas (eg gardens) sprayed with a dilution of 0.5-1% (50-100ml / 10 liters of water), 0.15-0.3 liters / acre depending on the soil every 14 days .
